What if we could offer every
In collaboration with the Mastercard Foundation, The Pan-African fintech InTouch is launching its "10,000 Jambaars" program to support and mentor 10,000 young people and women entrepreneurs in Senegal.
This collaboration between the two structures is part of their common vision to facilitate financial inclusion for the unbanked African population, but also to allow thousands of young people and women to have access to dignified and sustainable employment. All participants in this mentoring and SME incubation project will benefit from support and continuous training to ensure the sustainability of their business.
We aim to create and boost a dynamic ecosystem around financial inclusion.
In the last year our teams have traveled across Senegal to onboard entrepreneurs from all regions.
We met local authorities who were enthused by the project and welcomed the opportunity to participate in its success.
Agences géolocalisées
Organizing the financial services distribution value chain with master agents, wholesalers, logistics, training, support hotlines…
We have set up a whole organization around the distribution of financial services, through the structuring of local craftsmen for the manufacture of Kiosks, the recruitment of Master Agents, wholesalers and salespeople. We have also set up and equipped InTouch relay points attached to master agents for the support and of agents in our various areas of presence.
Enabling formalization by leveraging key partnerships with Chambers of Commerce, Government Agencies and local officials.
We set up an in-house formalization assistance team in charge of helping agents throughout the process. We have established partnerships with the chambers of commerce of each region and the government agencies such as APIX and ADIE.
Fostering growth and sustainability through financing and training
We have signed an agreement with the DER for the granting of loans to entrepreneurs, obtained from the City of Dakar grants for students, women’s GIE and other project leaders. We have implemented an overdraft platform to ensure agents can always transact. Thanks for the Mastercard Foundation we have also been able to finance women’s GIE with a strong focus on digital financial inclusion.